Appointments System

The Practice has adopted a triage system to deal with on the day requests for GP/Nurse practitioner appointments.  Please contact the surgery between 8am and 1pm for these.  

Further appointments can be made in advance either over the telephone or face to face.  If you are booking a face to face appointment please book a double appointment if you have more than one problem.

We offer online appointments for our GP/Nurse Practitioners.  

Our staff are trained in care navigation, and you will be asked for a brief outline of your problem, this would help to traige more effectively, and will be treated in the strictest of confidence.  

If you are experiencing chest pain/ breathing difficulties/patient collapse or life-threatening condition please dial 999.

Extended GP hours available for our patients

Lincolnshire and District Medical Services are providing an extended access hub service in East Lindsey providing access to GP services at evenings and weekends for our patients.

Patients can now see a GP at a clinic based at the Woldside building at County Hospital Louth LN11 0EU, between the hours of 18.30 to 20.00 Monday to Friday (including Bank Holidays) and 08.30 to 16.45 Saturday and Sunday.

All appointments are all pre-bookable and patients should contact the practice to access these or call 111 when we are closed.

This scheme is part of a wider plan to strengthen Lincolnshire East CCG’s out-of-hospital strategy, integrate care within the community and improve collaborative working between local practices to deliver more joined-up GP services.